(1) The road is a fully controlled access, four lane highway; and
(2) The road extends from the border of West Virginia and is a continuation of a fully controlled access four lane highway in the adjacent state; and
(3) The adjacent state charges tolls on its portion of the highway immediately adjacent to West Virginia; and
(4) The West Virginia portion of the highway connects to another fully controlled access four lane highway in West Virginia.
(b) Not less than one hundred eighty days prior to the final decision of the commissioner to charge tolls on any road described in subsection (a) of this section, the commissioner shall provide a report to the joint committee on government and finance setting forth:
(1) The location and a description of the road;
(2) The provisions of any special obligation notes intended by the commissioner to be secured, in whole or in part, by tolls charged on the road and any related trust agreements;
(3) The anticipated amount of tolls to be charged and the duration of time the commissioner expects tolls to be charged on the road; and
(4) Such other information that may be required by the joint committee on government and finance.