§17-2C-1. Establishment of an orphan road and bridge acquisition and maintenance program in all counties; criteria for designation as an orphan road or bridge.
Authority is hereby granted to the West Virginia division of highways to establish a program to acquire and maintain roads and bridges which meet the following three criteria: (1) Are in existence as of the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred ninety-eight; (2) are roads or bridges which the public has a right to use; and (3) are roads or bridges not maintained by any governmental agency. These roads and bridges are herein designated as orphan roads and bridges.
The Legislature hereby finds and declares it to be important for the economic and social development of the state that a program for the identification, acquisition and maintenance of orphan roads and bridges be undertaken by the state. In particular, the Legislature finds and declares that basic maintenance should be performed on orphan roads and bridges to promote the well-being of the public.