reciprocal proportional registration agreements;
payment of taxes; issuance of registration plates
or markers; promulgation of rules; interagency
cooperation; requirement that all registrants pay
tax; intermittent interstate commerce and
promulgation of rules; proportional registration
agreement prevails.
(a) The commissioner of motor vehicles is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into reciprocal agreements on behalf of this state with any jurisdiction which permits or requires the licensing of motor vehicles in interstate or combined interstate and intrastate commerce and the payment of taxes, registration, licensing or other fees fixed by the motor vehicle commissioner, pursuant to the execution of this article on an apportionment basis commensurate with and determined by the miles traveled on public roads and highways in that jurisdiction, as compared with the miles traveled on public roads and highways in other jurisdictions or on any other equitable basis of apportionment, and if that jurisdiction exempts motor vehicles registered in other jurisdictions under that apportionment basis from the requirements of full payment of its own registration, license or other fixed fees, the commissioner, by agreement may adopt the exemption as to those motor vehicles, whether owned by residents or nonresidents of this state and regardless of where the vehicles are registered.
(b) The agreements under any terms, conditions or restrictions as the commissioner considers proper may provide that owners of motor vehicles operated in interstate or combined interstate and intrastate commerce in this state shall be permitted to pay registration, license or other fees fixed on an apportionment basis, commensurate with and determined by the miles traveled on public roads and highways in this state as compared with the miles traveled on public roads and highways in other jurisdictions or any other equitable basis of apportionment. The agreements shall not authorize or be construed as authorizing any motor vehicle so registered to be operated without complying with the provisions of chapter eleven and chapter twenty-four-a of this code.
(c) Pursuant to the provisions of this section, the commissioner is expressly authorized and empowered to enter into and become a member of the international registration plan or other designation that may from time to time be given to the reciprocal plan.
(d) The commissioner shall prescribe the substance, form, color and context of any registration plate or marker issued under the provisions of this section, each of which shall be visually distinguishable from other registration plates or markers produced by the division of motor vehicles.
(e) The commissioner is authorized to promulgate procedural rules as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of any agreements entered into pursuant to this section.
(f) The commissioner is authorized to collect and receive funds under this article pursuant to the authority vested in him or her under article six-g of chapter eleven of this code.
(g) The commissioner is hereby authorized and required to share with the interstate commerce disclosure division of the office of the state auditor any and all information acquired by the division of motor vehicles pursuant to the implementation of this article. The division shall provide to the interstate commerce disclosure division, and the department of tax and revenue the name of the location and amount paid by West Virginia owners or operators of interstate motor vehicles registered under the proportional registration agreement.
(h) For any other irregular, intermittent or temporary interstate commerce activity, the division of motor vehicles is hereby empowered to promulgate rules for the administration and oversight thereof.
(i) Notwithstanding any other provision of the code to the contrary, the requirements of the proportional assessment plan as contained in article six-g, chapter eleven of this code, and the provisions of this chapter, shall prevail in the event of any conflict with any other portion of the code.