(b) The driver of a vehicle upon meeting or overtaking from any direction any passenger van which has stopped for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers shall stop his or her vehicle before reaching the passenger van when there is in operation on the passenger van flashing warning signal lights or when an adult is outside the passenger van with a red caution flag and assisting with the loading or unloading of passengers. The driver of a vehicle may not proceed until he or she is signaled by the passenger van driver to proceed, the passenger van flashing signal lights are no longer actuated, or the passenger van resumes motion. This section applies wherever the passenger van is loading or unloading children on any street, highway, parking lot, private road or driveway: Provided, That the driver of a vehicle upon a controlled access highway need not stop upon meeting or passing a passenger van which is on a different roadway or adjacent to the highway and where pedestrians are not permitted to cross the roadway. Any driver acting in violation of this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the county or regional jail not more than six months, or both fined and imprisoned. If the identity of the driver cannot be ascertained, then any owner or lessee of the vehicle in violation of this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars: Provided, however, That the conviction may not subject the owner or lessee to further administrative or other penalties for the offense, notwithstanding other provisions of this code to the contrary.