(b) The study shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
(1) The general structure and specific processes for governance and oversight of the regional education service agencies to ensure efficiency of operations and accountability in the areas of:
(A) Financial integrity, oversight and accountability;
(B) Fiscal oversight of budgeting, salaries, benefits and employment;
(C) Service delivery in priority areas, including, but not limited to: (i) The types, cost, convenience and results of in-service training programs and other efforts to assist low performing schools and school systems; and (ii) the costs and turnaround time of computer repair services; and
(D) The costs and benefits of other services provided to the respective members' counties;
(2) Areas of needed improvements, including any existing limitations or hindrances to improvement;
(3) The powers and duties of state board and state superintendent relating to regional education service agencies;
(4) The qualifications and procedures for selection of agency executive directors;
(5) The selection and supervision of agency staff;
(6) Development of agency budget;
(7) Oversight of agency purchasing and auditing procedures;
(8) Development of programs and delivery of services; and
(9) Procedures to ensure fiscal and programmatic accountability.
(c) The state superintendent shall report findings generated by the study, together with recommendations and any legislation necessary to effectuate the recommendations, to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability by the first day of December, two thousand six.