Prior to each adoption year, and not later than the first day of August, the state board by written request or otherwise shall ask the various vendors of textbooks, instructional materials, learning technologies or any combination thereof to submit samples and prices on items deemed appropriate by the state board of education to teach the curriculum in the public elementary and secondary schools of the state for the current adoption period.
All bids or proposals shall be under seal, and each bidder shall deposit in the state treasury such sum of money as the state board may designate, such deposit to be not less than one thousand dollars, and not more than three thousand dollars; and such deposit shall be forfeited to the general school fund if such bidder shall fail or refuse to make and execute such contract and bond as are herein required in case of acceptance of all or part of the vendor's bid, and otherwise shall be returned to such bidder after the contract has been made. The state board of education reserves the right to set the sum of money a vendor is required to deposit in the state treasury upon submitting a bid: Provided, That the vendor has a previous history of failure or refusal to execute contracts or bonds with the state of West Virginia.
All bids shall be opened by the state board in public session. After considering the subject matter, product quality, general suitableness, and prices of items submitted, the board shall, prior to the first day of March of each year in which adoptions are made by the state board of education, establish a committee of teachers and other educational specialists and with the aid of said committee, shall on or before the first day of December, prior to county adoptions, select, approve and publish a list of items in each subject and grade in the elementary and secondary subjects required to be taught by said board. The committee of teachers and other educational specialists shall report their recommendations to the state board on or before the fifteenth day of November of the year preceding the adoption by the county board.