Sample items in excess of the official sample submitted to the state board for examination shall remain the property of the vendor submitting them if claimed within thirty days after adoption of the multiple list. If not claimed within that period, the items may be sold by the state board and the money credited to the general school fund or items may be distributed to state operated educational agencies. Sample items submitted to county boards of education remain the property of the vendor submitting them if claimed within thirty days after the county board of education has formally adopted its items. Unclaimed items may be distributed free of charge by the respective board of education to any school, library or individual who may have need for the sample items.
Vendors claiming samples within the thirty-day period shall notify the respective board of education at the time samples are submitted for study of their intent to recall the samples. All costs shall be borne by the vendors.
No county adoption committee is entitled to request or receive more than eight free samples of any multigrade program being considered for adoption. Any single grade level subject area items used above grade six shall be limited to five free samples per county selection committee. Any individual requesting samples in excess of these limits shall be billed by the vendor at the lowest wholesale price plus shipping.