(1) Assess the broad spectrum of technology needs present within the state's education systems as the basis for constructing a unified educational technology strategic plan that will guide the administration and allocation of educational technology funds;
(2) Assemble and integrate into the planning process the perspectives of students, teachers, faculty and administrators regarding educational technology programs;
(3) Assess, evaluate and publicize the effects of technology use by educators and students toward student learning and achievement;
(4) Explore new approaches to improve administration, accountability and student achievement within the education systems through technology application;
(5) Develop a unified educational technology strategic plan as required in section five of this article;
(6) Monitor the technology programs of the agencies and education systems affected by the educational technology strategic plan to assess its implementation and effectiveness; and
(7) Advise the Governor and the Legislature on any matters the Council considers important to inform the Governor and the Legislature on the state of education technology in the public schools and the institutions of higher education and on any matters requested by the Governor and the Legislature.