Whenever, in the opinion of the board of education of any county, the education and welfare of a pupil will be enhanced, the board of education of such county shall have the authority to transfer any such pupil or pupils on a part-time or full-time basis from one school district to another school district within the state: Provided, That the boards of education of both the transferor and the transferee districts agree to the same by official action of both boards as reflected in the minutes of their respective meetings.
Any pupil attending a school in a district of this state adjacent to the district of residence during the school year one thousand nine hundred eighty-four--eighty-five, is authorized to continue such attendance in the adjacent district, and, upon written request therefor by the parent or guardian, any person who is entitled to attend the public schools of this state and who resides in the same household and is a member of the immediate family of such pupil is authorized to enroll in such adjacent district. The transferor and transferee school districts shall effectuate any transfer herein authorized in accordance with the provisions of this section.
Whenever a pupil is transferred from one school district to another district on a full-time or part-time basis, the board of education of the school district in which the pupil is a bona fide resident shall pay to the board of education of the school district to which the pupil is transferred a tuition that is agreed upon by both such boards. Tuition for each full-time pupil shall not exceed the difference between the state aid per pupil received by the county to which the pupil is transferred and the county cost per pupil in the county to which said pupil is transferred.
For purposes of net enrollment as defined in section two, article nine-a of this chapter: (1) Whenever a pupil is transferred on a full-time basis from one school district to another district pursuant to the provisions of this section, the county to which the pupil is transferred shall include such pupil in its net enrollment; and (2) whenever a pupil is transferred on a part-time basis from one school district to another school district pursuant to the provisions of this section, the county in which the student is a bona fide resident shall count the pupil in its net enrollment.