(1) The consolidation and merger is governed by the provisions of this article;
(2) The Defined Contribution Retirement System does not exist after the thirtieth day of June, two thousand six; and
(3) All members of that system become members of the State Teachers Retirement System as provided in this article.
(b) Following the election, if the vote is in favor of the merger, the board shall transfer all properties held in the Defined Contribution Retirement System's Trust Fund to the State Teachers Retirement System.
(c) To receive full credit in the State Teachers Retirement System for service in the Defined Contribution Retirement System for which assets are transferred, members shall pay into the State Teachers Retirement System a one and one-half percent contribution. This contribution shall be calculated as one and one-half percent of the member's estimated total earnings for which assets are transferred. Except as otherwise provided in this section, each member shall pay the contribution required no later than the thirtieth day of June, two thousand seven.
(1) For a member contributing to the Defined Contribution Retirement System at any time during the two thousand five fiscal year and commencing membership in the State Teachers Retirement System on the first day of July, two thousand six:
(A) The estimated total earnings shall be calculated based on the member's salary and the member's age nearest birthday on the thirtieth day of June, two thousand five;
(B) This calculation shall apply both an annual backward salary scale from that date for prior years' salaries and a forward salary scale for the salary for the two thousand six fiscal year.
(2) For a member not contributing to the Defined Contribution Retirement System during the two thousand five fiscal year:
(A) The estimated total earnings shall be calculated based on the member's salary and the member's age nearest birthday on the member's date of rehire.
(B) This calculation shall apply a backward salary scale from the member's date of rehire for prior years' salaries.
(3) The calculations in subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection are based upon the salary scale assumption applied in the West Virginia Teachers Retirement System Actuarial Valuation as of the first day of July, two thousand four, prepared for the Consolidated Public Retirement Board. This salary scale shall be applied regardless of breaks in service.
(d) The board shall make available to each member a loan for the purpose of paying all or part of the one and one-half percent contribution required in this section. The loan shall be offered in accordance with the provisions of section thirty-four, article seven-a of this chapter.
(1) Notwithstanding any provision of this code, rule or policy of the board to the contrary, the interest rate on any such loan may not exceed seven and one-half percent per annum. The amount total borrowed may not exceed twelve thousand dollars.
(2) In the event a loan made pursuant to this section is used to pay the one and one-half percent, the board shall make any necessary adjustments at the time the loan is made.
(3) Subject to the provisions of subdivision (4) of this section, the board shall make this loan available for members until the thirtieth day of June, two thousand seven.
(4) Upon returning to employment, a member who has left employment but not withdrawn his or her funds shall pay the one and one-half percent contribution within one year of being rehired. The member is eligible for one year following the date of rehire to obtain a loan for paying the contribution.
(e) The board shall develop and institute a payroll deduction program for repayment of the loan established in this section.
(f) If the merger and consolidation is duly elected:
(1) As of the first day of July, two thousand six, the members' contribution rate becomes six percent of his or her salary or wages; and
(2) All members who make a contribution into the State Teachers Retirement System on or after the first day of July, two thousand six, are governed by the provisions of article seven-a of this chapter, subject to the provisions of this article.
(g) Subject to the provisions of subdivision (1) of this subsection, if a member has withdrawn or cashed out part of his or her assets, that member will not receive credit for those moneys cashed out or withdrawn. The board shall make a determination as to the amount of credit a member loses based on the periods of time and the amounts he or she has withdrawn or cashed out, which shall be expressed as a loss of service credit.
(1) A member may repay those amounts he or she previously cashed out or withdrew, along with interest as determined by the board, and receive the same credit as if the withdrawal or cash-out never occurred. Such a member also shall pay the one and one-half percent contribution to receive full credit for the cashed-out or withdrawn amounts being repaid to the State Teachers Retirement System.
(2) The loan provided in this section is not available to members to repay previously cashed out or withdrawn moneys.
(3) If the repayment occurs five or more years following the cash-out or withdrawal, the member also shall repay any forfeited employer contribution account balance along with interest determined by the board.
(h) Notwithstanding any provision of subsection (g) to the contrary, if a member has cashed out or withdrawn any of his or her assets after the last day of June, two thousand one, and that member chooses to repurchase that service after the thirtieth day of June, two thousand six, the member shall repay the previously distributed amounts and any applicable interest to the State Teachers Retirement System.
(i) Any service in the State Teachers Retirement System a member has before the date of the merger is not affected by the provisions of this article.