(b) Principal training and professional development through the academy. -- The academy and the persons required to complete training and professional development through the academy shall adhere to the following guidelines:
(1) All persons assigned as a principal for the first time in a West Virginia school after the first day of July, two thousand two, shall complete specialized training and professional development for newly appointed principals through the academy within the first twelve months following assignment;
(2) All principals of schools which have been designated as seriously impaired, in accordance with section five, article two-e, chapter eighteen of this code, shall complete specialized training and professional development through the academy specifically designed to assist the principal to improve school performance commencing as soon as practicable following receipt of the designation;
(3) All principals who are subject to an improvement plan, in accordance with section twelve, article two of this chapter, shall complete specialized training and professional development through the academy specifically designed for principals subject to an improvement plan. The specialized training and professional development shall be completed within twelve months from the date that the principal is first subject to the improvement plan;
(4) All principals who transfer to a school with a significantly different grade configuration shall complete specialized training and professional development for principals in schools with the grade configuration to which they transferred through the academy within the first twelve months following transfer; and
(5) All persons serving as school principals shall complete training and professional development through the academy designed to build the qualities, proficiencies and skills required of all principals as determined by the state board.
(c) Academy and requirements to complete training and professional development subject to funding. -- The requirement that principals complete training and professional development through the academy shall be subject to the availability of funds for the principals academy from legislative appropriation and from other sources. If these funds are insufficient to provide for the total cost of the training and professional development required by subsection (b) of this section, then the academy shall provide training and professional development for the persons described in subdivisions (1) through (5), of subsection (b) according to the priority in which the subdivisions appear in that subsection. If such funds are insufficient to provide for the training and professional development of all the persons described in one or more of subdivisions (1) through (5), subsection (b) of this section, the academy is authorized to determine which persons described within the subdivision or subdivisions shall be admitted and which shall not be admitted: Provided, That the principals academy shall make every effort to ensure that all principals receive training and professional development through the academy at least once every six years effective the first day of July, two thousand two and thereafter: Provided, however, That nothing in this section shall be construed to require any specific level of funding by the Legislature.
(d) Principals standards advisory council. -- To assist the state board in the performance of the duties described in subsection (e) of this section, there is hereby created a "Principals Standards Advisory Council", which shall consist of nine persons, as follows: The executive director of the center for professional development, who shall serve as the ex officio chair; three principals, one from an elementary school and one from a middle school or a junior high school selected by the West Virginia association of elementary and middle school principals, and one from a high school selected by the West Virginia association of secondary school principals; one county school superintendent selected by the West Virginia association of school administrators; and two representatives from higher education who teach in principal preparation programs selected by the teacher education advisory council; and two citizen representatives who are knowledgeable on issues addressed in this section, appointed by the governor. Members of the principals standards advisory council who are public employees shall be granted release time from their employment for attending meetings of the council. Members may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of their official duties by the center for professional development. The terms of all members appointed to the principals standards advisory council under the prior enactment of this section shall terminate on the thirty-first day of August, two thousand two. The principals standards advisory council as amended on the effective date of this section shall become effective on the first day of September, two thousand two.
(e) Establishment of standards. -- On or before the first day of October, one thousand nine hundred ninety-six, the state board shall approve and promulgate rules regarding the minimum qualities, proficiencies and skills that will be required of principals after the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred ninety-seven. The state board shall promulgate and may from time to time amend such rules after consultation with the principals standards advisory council created in subsection (d) of this section. The rules promulgated by the state board shall address at least the following:
(1) Staff relations, including, but not limited to, the development and use of skills necessary to make a positive use of faculty senates, manage faculty and staff with courtesy and mutual respect, coach and motivate employees, and build consensus as a means of management;
(2) School community leadership qualities, including, but not limited to, the ability to organize and leverage community initiative, communicate effectively, work effectively with local school improvement councils, manage change, resolve conflict and reflect the highest personal values;
(3) Educational proficiencies, including, but not limited to, knowledge of curriculum, instructional techniques, student learning styles, student assessment criteria, school personnel performance, evaluation skills and family issues; and
(4) Administrative skills, including, but not limited to, organizational, fiscal, public policy and total quality management skills and techniques.
(f) Waivers. -- Any person desiring to be relieved of the requirements of all or any part of this section may apply in writing to the state board for a waiver. Upon a showing of reasonable cause why relief should be granted, the state board may grant a waiver, upon such terms and conditions as the state board shall determine proper, as to all or any part of this section.
(g) Failure to comply. -- Any person who fails or refuses to complete training and professional development through the academy, as required by the provisions of this section, and who fails to obtain a waiver, as described in subsection (f) of this section, shall be ineligible to be employed as, or serve in the capacity of, a principal.
(h) Tracking of requirement. -- On or before the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred ninety-seven, the state board shall establish a system to track the progress of each person required to complete training through the academy and shall regularly advise such persons of their progress.
(i) Payment of reasonable and necessary expenses and stipends. -- The center for professional development shall reimburse persons attending the academy for reasonable and necessary expenses. A person may not be required to complete training and professional development through the principals academy before the fifteenth day of September and after the first day of June of the school year. The center for professional development shall utilize alternative methods of instructional delivery and scheduling, including electronic delivery, as considered appropriate to minimize the amount of time principals completing training and professional development through the academy are required to be away from their school duties. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require any specific level of funding by the Legislature.