§18A-4-8e. Competency testing for service personnel; and recertification testing for bus operators.
(a) The State Board of Education shall develop and make available competency tests for all of the classification titles defined in section eight of this article and listed in section eight-a of this article for service personnel. Each classification title defined and listed is considered a separate classification category of employment for service personnel and has a separate competency test, except for those class titles having Roman numeral designations, which are considered a single classification of employment and have a single competency test.
(1) The cafeteria manager class title is included in the same classification category as cooks and has the same competency test.
(2) The executive secretary class title is included in the same classification category as secretaries and has the same competency test.
(3) The classification titles of chief mechanic, mechanic and assistant mechanic are included in one classification title and have the same competency test.
(b) The purpose of these tests is to provide county boards a uniform means of determining whether school service personnel who do not hold a classification title in a particular category of employment meet the definition of the classification title in another category of employment as defined in section eight of this article. Competency tests may not be used to evaluate employees who hold the classification title in the category of their employment.
(c) The competency test consists of an objective written or performance test, or both. Applicants may take the written test orally if requested. Oral tests are recorded mechanically and kept on file. The oral test is administered by persons who do not know the applicant personally.
(1) The performance test for all classifications and categories other than bus operator is administered by an employee of the county board or an employee of a multicounty vocational school that serves the county at a location designated by the superintendent and approved by the board. The location may be a vocational school that serves the county.
(2) A standard passing score is established by the State Department of Education for each test and is used by county boards.
(3) The subject matter of each competency test is commensurate with the requirements of the definitions of the classification titles as provided in section eight of this article. The subject matter of each competency test is designed in such a manner that achieving a passing grade does not require knowledge and skill in excess of the requirements of the definitions of the classification titles. Achieving a passing score conclusively demonstrates the qualification of an applicant for a classification title.
(4) Once an employee passes the competency test of a classification title, the applicant is fully qualified to fill vacancies in that classification category of employment as provided in section eight-b of this article and may not be required to take the competency test again.
(d) An applicant who fails to achieve a passing score is given other opportunities to pass the competency test when making application for another vacancy within the classification category.
(e) Competency tests are administered to applicants in a uniform manner under uniform testing conditions. County boards are responsible for scheduling competency tests, notifying applicants of the date and time of the one day of training prior to taking the test, and the date and time of the test. County boards may not use a competency test other than the test authorized by this section.
(f) When scheduling of the competency test conflicts with the work schedule of a school employee who has applied for a vacancy, the employee is excused from work to take the competency test without loss of pay.
(g) A minimum of one day of appropriate in-service training is provided to employees to assist them in preparing to take the competency tests.
(h) Competency tests are used to determine the qualification of new applicants seeking initial employment in a particular classification title as either a regular or substitute employee.
(i) Notwithstanding any provisions in this code to the contrary, once an employee holds or has held a classification title in a category of employment, that employee is considered qualified for the classification title even though that employee no longer holds that classification.
(j) The requirements of this section do not alter the definitions of class titles as provided in section eight of this article or the procedure and requirements of section eight-b of this article.
(k) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, the recertification test for a bus operator is administered as follows:
(1) For a bus operator with regular employee status and continuing contract status who has been employed less than five consecutive years, the test is administered biennially and may not be administered more frequently;
(2) For a bus operator with regular employee status and continuing contract status who has been employed at least five consecutive years, the test is administered every third year and may not be administered more frequently; and
(3) For a substitute bus operator or for a bus operator with regular employee status, but on a probationary contract, the test is administered annually.