(1) The conduct of music camps and band, orchestra or voice clinics for secondary school students or other youth groups; summer tutoring programs for primary and secondary school students; speech therapy clinics and services; educational and psychological testing programs; student guidance programs; and statistical studies and calculations by an electronic computer service.
(2) Rental of lockers or other storage facilities and the maintenance and operation of parking facilities for use by students, faculty, staff and visitors.
(3) Rental of musical recordings, educational films, slides and other audiovisual aids.
(4) Microfilming or other mechanical reproduction of records and noncopyrighted library reference materials.
(5) Institutes, conferences, workshops, postgraduate and refresher noncredit courses and any other special program or special service customarily provided by institutions of higher education.
(6) Motor pools consisting of motor vehicles for the use of their employees when carrying on the business and affairs of the institutions.
(b) All fees or charges collected for any such special services or programs shall cover the total cost of the service or program.