(1) Was employed or serving as:
(A) A law-enforcement officer as defined in section one, article twenty-nine, chapter thirty of this code;
(B) A correctional officer at a state penal institution;
(C) A parole officer;
(D) A probation officer;
(E) A conservation officer; or
(F) A registered firefighter; and
(2) Was killed in the line of duty while:
(A) Employed by the state or any political subdivision of the state; or
(B) A member of a volunteer fire department serving a political subdivision of this state.
(b) Each state institution of higher education shall waive tuition and fees for any person who is the child or spouse of:
(1) A National Guard member or a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States who is a resident of this state and is killed in the line of duty. The member is considered to have been killed in the line of duty if death resulted from performing a duty required by his or her orders or commander while in an official duty status, other than on federal active duty, authorized under federal or state law; or
(2) A person on federal or state active military duty who is a resident of this state and is killed in the line of duty. The person is considered to have been killed in the line of duty if death resulted from performance of a duty required by his or her orders or commander while in an official duty status.
(c) Any waiver granted pursuant to this section is subject to the following:
(1) The recipient may attend any undergraduate course if classroom space is available;
(2) The recipient has applied and been admitted to the institution;
(3) The recipient has applied for and submitted the Free Application for Federal Student Aid;
(4) The recipient has exhausted all other sources of student financial assistance dedicated solely to tuition and fees that exceed other grant assistance that are available to him or her, excluding student loans;
(5) Waiver renewal is contingent upon the recipient continuing to meet the academic progress standards established by the institution.
(d) The state institution of higher education may require the person to pay:
(1) Special fees, including any laboratory fees, if the fees are required of all other students taking a single course or that particular course; and
(2) Parking fees.
(e) The governing boards may promulgate rules:
(1) For determining the availability of classroom space;
(2) As each considers necessary to implement this section; and
(3) Regarding requirements for attendance, which may not exceed the requirements for other students.
(f) The governing boards may extend to persons attending courses and classes under this section any rights, privileges or benefits extended to other students which it considers appropriate.