(1) Twenty-four hour, seven days a week emergency telephone management and treatment referral of victims of poisoning to include determining whether treatment can be accomplished at the scene of the incident or transport to an emergency treatment or other facility is required and carrying out telephone follow-up to families and other individuals to assure that adequate care is provided;
(2) Emergency telephone treatment recommendations for all types of poisonings, chemical exposures, drug overdoses and exposure to weapons of mass destruction. This information shall be provided to medical and nonmedical providers;
(3) Telephone follow-up for hospitalized and nonhospitalized patients to assess progress and recommend additional treatment as necessary;
(4) Surveillance of human poison exposures. This includes those related chemicals, drugs, biologicals and weapons of mass destruction;
(5) Community education in poison prevention; and
(6) Education in the recognition and management of poisonings for health care providers.