(b) To further these goals of cooperation and coordination, to avoid unnecessary duplication of program development and delivery, and to ensure that programs and services address the public policy agenda established by the Legislature and the commission, compact elements and goals for post-secondary education, by the first day of September, two thousand three, Concord college and Bluefield state college jointly shall complete a comprehensive study of the degree to which these institutions are making progress toward meeting the goals for post-secondary education, their institutional compacts and the public policy agenda and shall report their finding to the commission. The report shall address specific examples of collaboration, cooperation or brokering in academic programs, administrative services or any joint efforts which aim to avoid unnecessary duplication and to ensure delivery of high quality education services.
(c) The commission shall analyze the report prepared by Concord college and Bluefield state college, together with any other relevant data, and report to the legislative oversight commission on education accountability by the first day of November, two thousand three. The report shall contain findings and recommendations to address at least the following areas relevant to the two institutions:
(1) The fiscal status;
(2) The progress in meeting the goals for post-secondary education, the institutional compact, and the public policy agenda;
(3) Possible academic and fiscal advantages that might be derived from an administrative link between the two institutions; and
(4) Any changes to the programs or services of either institution required by the commission based on their findings or those of the institutions.
(d) If the commission determines that either institution has made insufficient progress toward the goals established in this chapter, in the institutional compacts, in the public policy agenda established by the commission, or has not complied with the changes required by the commission pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, the commission immediately shall take any action necessary to further the goals and requirements of this section.
(e) The commission shall continue to monitor and review each institution's compliance with this section.