(b) The Legislature further finds that these two institutions must compete in both a national and global environment that is rapidly changing, while they continue to provide high quality education that is both affordable and accessible and remain accountable to the people of West Virginia for the most efficient and effective use of scarce resources.
(c) The Legislature further finds that Marshall University and West Virginia University, under the direction of their respective governing boards, have sufficient staff and internal expertise to manage operational governance of their institutions in an efficient and accountable manner and can best fulfill their public missions when their governing boards are given flexibility and autonomy sufficient to meet state goals established in this article and in section one-a, article one of this chapter.
(d) Therefore, the purposes of this article include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Enhancing the competitive position of Marshall University and West Virginia University in the current environment for research and development;
(2) Providing the governing boards of these institutions with operational flexibility and autonomy, including tools to promote economic development in West Virginia;
(3) Encouraging the development of research expertise in areas directly beneficial to the state; and
(4) Focusing the attention and resources of the governing boards on state goals and priorities to enhance the competitive position of the state and the economic, social and cultural well-being of its citizens.
(e) The following terms wherever used or referred to in this chapter have the following meaning, unless a different meaning plainly appears from the context:
(1) "State institution of higher education known as Marshall University" means the doctoral-granting research institution and does not include Marshall Community and Technical College; and
(2) "State institution of higher education known as West Virginia University" means the doctoral-granting research institution and does not include any of the following:
(A) Until the first day of July, two thousand seven, the regional campus known as West Virginia University Institute of Technology;
(B) The administratively linked institution known as The Community and Technical College at West Virginia University Institute of Technology; and
(C) The regional campus known as West Virginia University at Parkersburg.
(f) The governing boards of Marshall University and West Virginia University each have the power and the obligation to perform functions, tasks and duties as prescribed by law and to exercise their authority and carry out their responsibilities in a manner that is consistent with and not in conflict with the powers and duties assigned by law to the West Virginia council for Community and Technical College Education and the Higher Education Policy Commission.
(g) While the governing boards of Marshall University and West Virginia University, respectively, may choose to delegate powers and duties to the presidents of the state institutions of higher education known as Marshall University and West Virginia University pursuant to subsection(s), section four, article two-a of this chapter, ultimately, it is they who are accountable to the Legislature, the Governor and the citizens of West Virginia for meeting the established state goals set forth in this article and section one-a, article one of this chapter. Therefore, it is the intent of the Legislature that grants of operational flexibility and autonomy be made directly to the governing boards and are not grants of operational flexibility and autonomy to the presidents of these institutions.