(1) Complete a comprehensive assessment of the district to determine what education and training programs are necessary to meet the short- and long-term workforce development needs of the district;
(2) Coordinate efforts with regional labor market information systems to identify the ongoing needs of business and industry, both current and projected, and to provide information to assist in an informed program of planning and decisionmaking;
(3) Plan and develop a unified effort between the community and technical colleges and public vocational-technical education to meet the documented workforce development needs of the district through individual and cooperative programs, shared facilities, faculty, staff, equipment and other resources and the development and use of distance learning and other education technologies;
(4) Regularly review and revise curricula to ensure that the workforce needs are met, develop new programs and phase out or modify existing programs as appropriate to meet such needs, streamline procedures for designing and implementing customized training programs;
(5) Increase the integration of secondary and post-secondary curriculum and programs that are targeted to meet regional labor market needs, including implementation of seamless curricula projects in all major career pathways and the West Virginia EDGE, Earn a Degree, Graduate Early Program;
(6) Plan and implement integrated professional development activities for secondary and post-secondary faculty, staff and administrators;
(7) Ensure that program graduates have attained the competencies required for successful employment through the involvement of business, industry and labor in establishing student credentialing;
(8) Performance assessment of student knowledge and skills which may be gained from multiple sources so that students gain credit toward program completion and advance more rapidly without repeating course work in which they already possess competency;
(9) Cooperate with workforce investment boards in establishing one-stop-shop career centers with integrated employment and training and labor market information systems that enable job seekers to assess their skills, identify and secure needed education training and secure employment and employers to locate available workers;
(10) Increase the integration of adult literacy, adult basic education, federal Work Force Investment Act and community and technical college programs and services to expedite the transition of adults from welfare to gainful employment; and
(11) Establish a single point of contact for employers and potential employers to access education and training programs throughout the district.
(b) The community and technical college education consortium shall cooperate with the regional workforce investment board in the district and shall participate in any development or amendment to the regional workforce investment plan.
(c) To carry out the provisions of this section, community and technical college consortia planning districts are established and defined as follows:
(1) Northern Panhandle Community and Technical College District includes Hancock, Brooke, Ohio, Marshall and Wetzel counties.
(A) The facilitating institution is West Virginia Northern Community and Technical College.
(B) Participating institutions include West Virginia Northern Community and Technical College; John Marshall High School; Cameron High School; John D. Rockefeller Center; and other public vocational technical schools offering post-secondary programs.
(2) North Central West Virginia Community and Technical College District includes Monongalia, Marion, Preston, Taylor, Barbour, Randolph, Doddridge, Harrison, Braxton, Lewis, Calhoun, Gilmer and Upshur counties.
(A) The facilitating institution is Pierpont Community and Technical College, a division of Fairmont State University.
(B) Participating institutions include Pierpont Community and Technical College, a division of Fairmont State University; Glenville State College; Randolph County Vocational-Technical Center; Monongalia County Technical Education Center; United Technical Center; Marion County Technical Center; Fred W. Eberly Technical Center; and other public vocational-technical schools offering post-secondary programs.
(3) Mid-Ohio Valley Community and Technical College District includes Tyler, Pleasants, Ritchie, Wood, Wirt, Jackson and Roane counties.
(A) The facilitating institution is West Virginia University at Parkersburg.
(B) Participating institutions include West Virginia University at Parkersburg; West Virginia Northern Community and Technical College; Roane-Jackson Technical Center; Gaston Caperton Center; Wood County Technical Center; and other public vocational-technical schools offering post-secondary programs.
(4) Potomac Highlands Community and Technical College District includes Tucker, Pendleton, Grant, Hardy, Mineral and Hampshire counties.
(A) The facilitating institution is Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College.
(B) Participating institutions include Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College; South Branch Career and Technical Center; Mineral County Technical Center; and other public vocational-technical schools offering post-secondary programs.
(5) Shenandoah Valley Community and Technical College District includes Berkeley, Jefferson and Morgan counties.
(A) The facilitating institution is Blue Ridge Community and Technical College.
(B) Participating institutions include Blue Ridge Community and Technical College; James Rumsey Technical Institute; and other public vocational-technical schools offering post-secondary programs.
(6) Advantage Valley Community and Technical College District includes Fayette, Kanawha, Clay, Putnam, Cabell, Mason and Wayne counties.
(A) The facilitating institution is Marshall Community and Technical College.
(B) Every five years the council shall:
(i) Evaluate the progress of the Advantage Valley Consortia toward achieving the goals and benchmarks of its compact;
(ii) Evaluate the progress of each community and technical college in the district toward achieving the goals and benchmarks of its institutional compact;
(iii) Determine which community and technical college in the district would best serve the needs of the district for the following five-year period if serving as the facilitating institution; and
(iv) Designate the community and technical college selected pursuant to subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph to serve as the facilitating institution for the following five-year period.
(C) Participating institutions include Marshall Community and Technical College; the Community and Technical College at West Virginia University Institute of Technology; West Virginia State Community and Technical College; Carver Career Center; Garnet Career Center; Ben Franklin Career Center; Putnam County Vocational-Technical-Occupational Center; Cabell County Career-Technical Center; and other public vocational-technical schools offering post-secondary programs.
(7) Southern Mountains Community and Technical College District includes Lincoln, Boone, Logan, Mingo, Wyoming and McDowell counties.
(A) The facilitating institution is Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College.
(B) Participating institutions include Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College; New River Community and Technical College; Boone County Career and Technical Center; Wyoming County Vocational-Technical Center; Ralph R. Willis Career and Technical Center; McDowell County Career and Technology Center; Mingo County Vocation-Technical Center; Charles Yeager Technical Center; and other public vocational-technical schools offering post-secondary programs.
(8) Southeastern Community and Technical College District includes Raleigh, Summers, Fayette, Nicholas, Webster, Pocahontas, Greenbrier, Monroe and Mercer counties.
(A) The facilitating institution is New River Community and Technical College.
(B) Participating institutions include New River Community and Technical College; Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College; the Community and Technical College at West Virginia University Institute of Technology; Bluefield State College; Academy of Careers and Technology; Fayette Plateau Vocation-Technology Center; Summers County High School; Monroe County Technical Center; Mercer County Technical Center; and other public vocational-technical schools offering post-secondary programs.
(d) In the role of the facilitating institution of the community and technical college district, the college:
(1) Communicates to the council;
(2) Facilitates the delivery of comprehensive community and technical college education in the region, which includes the seven areas of comprehensive community and technical college education delivery as required by section six of this article; and
(3) Facilitates development of statement of commitment signed by all participating institutions in the region as to how community and technical college education will be delivered.
(e) Participating institutions are not subordinate to the facilitating institution but will sign the statement of commitment to participate.
(f) The council shall:
(1) Maintain guidelines for community and technical college consortia development;
(2) Set goals for each consortium based upon legislative goals for the delivery of comprehensive community and technical college education; and
(3) Maintain a format for developing and revising a consortium compact outlining plans for achieving stated goals to be submitted to the council annually for approval.
(g) On or before the fifteenth day of November each year each consortium shall submit to the council for approval a compact which outlines plans for obtaining the stated goals. Each compact shall include the implementation of seamless curricula and the West Virginia EDGE, Earn a Degree, Graduate Early Program.
(h) The council annually shall evaluate the progress made in meeting the compact goals for each community and technical college consortia through the development and collection of performance indicator data.