(1) Participate in a community and technical college consortia planning district as required by article three-c of this chapter. Consortia representatives participate in the development of and approve applications for funding grants under the provisions of this article and approve the workforce development initiative budget;
(2) Develop, as a component of its institutional compact, a plan to achieve measurable improvements in the quality of the workforce within its service area over the period covered by the compact. The plan is developed in partnership with employers, local vocational schools and other workforce education providers; and
(3) Establish a special revolving fund under the jurisdiction of the community and technical college dedicated solely to workforce development initiatives for the purposes provided in this article. Any fees or revenues generated from workforce development initiatives funded by a competitive grant are deposited into this fund.
(b) To be eligible to receive a workforce development initiative grant, a community and technical college shall provide at least the following information in its application:
(1) Identification of the specific business or business sector training needs that will be met if a workforce development initiative grant is received;
(2) A commitment from the private or public sector partner or partners to provide a match of one dollar, cash and in-kind, for each dollar of state grant money received except:
(A) In cases where the community and technical college can demonstrate that it would be a hardship for the private sector partner or partners to provide a dollar-to-dollar match, the match may be reduced to one dollar for each three dollars of state funding.
(B) In cases where the grant award is to be used to modernize equipment, the council may establish a separate match requirement not to exceed one dollar, cash or in-kind, for each state dollar awarded.
(C) Beginning in fiscal year 2006, the commitment required by this subdivision may be provided by a public sector partner using state or federal dollars to provide the required match if funding for this initiative in the fiscal year exceeds six hundred fifty thousand dollars in which case, one-half the amount exceeding six hundred fifty thousand dollars may be granted using a public sector match;
(3) An agreement to share with other community and technical colleges any curricula developed using funds from a workforce development initiative grant;
(4) A specific plan showing how the community and technical college will collaborate with local post-secondary vocational institutions to maximize the use of existing facilities, personnel and equipment; and
(5) An acknowledgment that acceptance of a grant under the provisions of this article commits the community and technical college and its consortia committee to such terms, conditions and deliverables as specified by the council in the request for applications, including, but not limited to, the measures by which the performance of the workforce development initiative will be evaluated.
(c) Applications submitted by community and technical colleges may be awarded funds for programs which meet the requirements of this article that are operated on a collaborative basis at facilities under the jurisdiction of the public schools and utilized by both secondary and post-secondary students.