(b) The director is responsible for the development of standards and criteria for establishment of a regularly scheduled program of education, training and examination that all persons must successfully complete in order to be certified to supervise any timbering operation. The program for certified loggers shall provide, at a minimum, for education and training in the safe conduct of timbering operations, in first aid procedures and in the use of best management practices to prevent, insofar as possible, soil erosion on timbering operations. The goals of this program will be to assure that timbering operations are conducted in accordance with applicable state and federal safety regulations in a manner that is safest for the individuals conducting the operations and that they are performed in an environmentally sound manner.
(c) The director shall provide for such programs by using the resources of the division, other appropriate state agencies, educational systems and other qualified persons. Each inspector under the jurisdiction of the chief shall attend a certification program free of charge and complete the certification requirements of this section.
(d) The director shall promulgate legislative rules in accordance with article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, which provide the procedure by which certification pursuant to this article may be obtained and shall require the payment of an application fee and an annual renewal fee of fifty dollars.
(e) Upon a person's successful completion of the certification requirements, the director shall provide that person with proof of the completion by issuing a numbered certificate and a wallet-sized card to that person. The division shall maintain a record of each certificate issued and the person to whom it was issued.
(f) A certification granted pursuant to this section is renewable only for two succeeding years. For the third renewal and every third renewal thereafter, the licensee shall first attend a program designed by the director to update the training.
(g) Every timbering operation that is required to be licensed under section four of this article must have at least one person certified pursuant to this section supervising the operation at any time the timbering operation is being conducted and all timbering operators shall be guided by the West Virginia forest practice standards and the West Virginia silvicultural best management practices in selecting practices appropriate and adequate for reducing sediment movement during a timber operation.
(h) The director shall, at no more than three-year intervals after the effective date of this article, convene a committee to review the best management practices so as to ensure that they reflect and incorporate the most current technologies. The committee shall, at a minimum, include a person doing research in the field of silvicultural best management practices, a person doing research in the field of silviculture, two loggers certified under this article, a representative of the office of water resources of the division of environmental protection and a representative of an environmentally active organization. The director shall chair the committee and may adjust the then current best management practices according to
the suggestions of the committee in time for the next certification cycle.