For ............ Drainage District.
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in any land and property included within ............... Drainage District in ................ county (or counties), West Virginia, that the appraisers heretofore appointed to assess benefits and damages to the property and lands situated in such drainage district and to appraise the cash value of the land necessary to be taken for rights-of-way and other works of such district, within or without the limits of such district, filed their report in this office on the ........ day of ..........., 19 ....., as follows: (Here insert report of appraisers.) And you and each of you are hereby notified that you may examine such report and file exceptions to all or any part thereof, as provided by law.
Clerk of the Circuit Court of ............. County, West
Provided, That where lands in different counties are contained in such report, it shall not be necessary to publish in each county the appraisers' report on all of such lands in such district, but only that part relating to property situate in the respective counties.