It is the duty of any person appointed and qualified to preserve law and order on any premises which are part of the Hatfield-McCoy recreation area, the immediately adjacent property of landowners who are making land available for public use under agreement with the authority and on streets, highways or other public lands utilized by the trails, parking areas or related recreational facilities and other immediately adjacent public lands. For this purpose, the ranger shall be considered to be a law-enforcement officer in accordance with the provisions of section one, article twenty-nine, chapter thirty of this code and, as to offenses committed within those areas, have and may exercise all the powers and authority and are subject to all the requirements and responsibilities of a law-enforcement officer. The assignment of rangers to the duties authorized by this section may not supersede in any way the authority or duty of other peace officers to preserve law and order on those premises.
The salary of all rangers shall be paid by the board. The board shall furnish each ranger with an official uniform to be worn while on duty and shall furnish and require each ranger while on duty to wear a shield with an appropriate inscription and to carry credentials certifying the person's identity and authority as a ranger.
The board may at its pleasure revoke the authority of any ranger. The executive director shall report the termination of employment of a ranger by filing a notice to that effect in the office of the clerk of each county in which the ranger's oath of office was filed and in the case of a ranger licensed to carry a gun or other dangerous weapon, by notifying the clerk of the circuit court of the county in which the license for the gun or other dangerous weapon was granted.