§20-2-42k. Class XJ resident junior and Class XXJ nonresident junior hunting, fishing and trapping license.
A Class XJ license is a resident junior hunting, fishing and trapping license and a Class XXJ license is a nonresident junior hunting, fishing and trapping license. These licenses entitle the licensee to hunt and trap for all legal species of wild animals and wild birds, to fish for all legal species of fish except trout and to take frogs in all counties of the state, except as prohibited by the rules of the Director or Natural Resources Commission and when additional licenses, stamps and permits are required. No additional fees are required of Class XJ licensees for a Class CS stamp. No additional fees are required of Class XXJ licensees for Class I, UU
, VV or WW stamps. To fish for trout, Class XJ or XXJ licensees must purchase and carry a valid Class O or OO stamp or O-L license. The Class XJ license may be issued only to a resident who has not reached his or her eighteenth birthday and is otherwise required by section twenty-seven of this article to purchase a license. The Class XXJ license may be issued to a nonresident who has not reached his or her eighteenth birthday and is at least eight years old and is otherwise required by section twenty-seven of this article to purchase a license. The fee for the Class XJ license is fifteen dollars. The portion of the Class XJ license fee equal to the annual fee for the Class CS stamp shall be designated as conservation stamp revenue and expended pursuant to section nine of article two-b. The fee for the Class XXJ license is fifteen dollars. In addition to buying a Class XXJ license, a nonresident must purchase a Class CS/LE stamp as required in section ten of article two-b. This is a base license and does not require the purchase of a prerequisite license to participate in the activities specified in this section, except as noted.