The assessor shall require any person having a duty to make a return of property for taxation to him or her to furnish information identifying each motorboat subject to the numbering provisions of this article. When the property taxes on the motorboat have been paid, the officer to whom the payment was made shall deliver to the person paying the taxes a written or printed receipt therefor and shall retain for his or her records a duplicate of the receipt. The assessor and sheriff, respectively, shall see that the assessment records and the receipts contain information adequately identifying the motorboat as registered under the provisions of this article. The officer receiving payment shall sign each receipt in his or her own handwriting.
The assessors shall commence their duties hereunder during the tax year one thousand nine hundred eighty-nine and the Division of Motor Vehicles shall commence its duties hereunder as of the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred ninety.
The State Tax Commissioner shall annually compile a schedule of motorboat values, based on the lowest values shown in a nationally accepted used motorboat guide, which schedule shall be furnished to each assessor and shall be used by him or her as a guide in placing the assessed values on all motorboats in his or her county.