(1) At least one nonstep entrance into the dwelling;
(2) All doors on the entry-level floor, including bathrooms, have a minimum of thirty-six inches;
(3) At least one accessible bathroom on the entry-level floor with ample maneuvering space;
(4) Kitchen, general living space and one room capable of conversion into a bedroom, all with ample maneuvering space, on the entry-level floor; and
(5) Any other external or internal feature requested at a reasonable time by the buyer and agreed to by the seller.
(b) If a buyer is interested in a specific informational feature on the list established by subsection (a) of this section, the seller or builder upon request of the buyer shall indicate whether the feature is standard, limited, optional or not available and, if available, shall further indicate the cost of such a feature to the buyer.
(c) The standard form informational list of basic universal design features shall be certified and made available for reproduction by the board, in accordance with the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, based on mutual recommendation of the board, the American Institute of Architects-West Virginia, the Home Builders Association of West Virginia and the West Virginia Center for Excellence in Disabilities.
Practice Areas: Government/Benefits
Practice Areas: Employment
Practice Areas: Immigration