(1) Collect and record all fees;
(2) Maintain records and files;
(3) Issue and receive application forms;
(4) Notify applicants of the results of the board examination;
(5) Arrange space for holding examinations and other proceedings;
(6) Issue licenses and temporary licenses as authorized by this article;
(7) Issue duplicate licenses upon submission of a written request by the licensee attesting to loss of or the failure to receive the original and payment by the licensee of a fee established by regulation adopted by the division;
(8) Notify licensees of renewal dates at least thirty days before the expiration date of their license;
(9) Answer routine inquiries;
(10) Maintain files relating to individual licensees;
(11) Arrange for printing and advertising;
(12) Purchase supplies;
(13) Employ additional help when needed;
(14) Perform other services that may be requested by the board;
(15) Provide inspection, enforcement and investigative services to the board; and
(16) Issue cease and desist orders to persons engaging in contracting within the state without a valid license.
(b) All authority not specifically delegated to the commissioner and division shall be the responsibility of the board.
(c) Following successful completion of the examination, and prior to the issuance of the license, the applicant shall certify by affidavit that the applicant:
(1) Is in compliance with the business franchise tax provisions of chapter eleven of this code;
(2) Has registered, and is in compliance, with the workers' compensation fund and the employment security fund, as required by chapter twenty-three and chapter twenty-one-a of this code; and
(3) Is in compliance with the applicable wage bond requirements of section one, article five of this chapter: Provided, That in the case of an out-of-state contractor not doing business in this state and seeking licensure for bidding purposes only, the applicant may be granted a conditional license for bid purposes only.