(b) All licenses shall be granted or refused within thirty days after proper and complete application. All licenses shall expire on the thirtieth day of June of each year, unless sooner revoked or suspended. Applications shall be deemed valid for a period of thirty days.
(c) The annual license fees shall be in the amounts prescribed from time to time by rules promulgated by the board but in no event less than the following amounts:
(1) For manufacturers, three hundred dollars;
(2) For dealers, one hundred dollars;
(3) For distributors, one hundred dollars; and
(4) For contractors, fifty dollars: Provided, That if a contractor has met the licensing requirements of this article and the West Virginia Contractor Licensing Act in article eleven of this chapter, has paid the annual license fee under section eight, article eleven of this chapter and has furnished bond or other assurance or fee under section ten of this article, he or she shall not be required to pay the annual license fee set forth in this section.
(d) The board shall prescribe the form of license and each license shall have affixed thereon the seal of the State Division of Labor.
(e) Each licensee shall conspicuously display the license in its established place of business.
(f) Pursuant to such rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the board, the board may deny the issuance of a license or revoke or suspend any license.
(g) All license fees collected shall be deposited in a special account in the State Treasury to be known as the "State Manufactured Housing Administration Fund". Expenditures from the fund shall be for the administration of the provisions of this article and are not authorized from collections but are to be made only in accordance with appropriation by the Legislature and in accordance with the provisions of article two, chapter eleven-b of this code: Provided, That for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of June, 2006 expenditures are authorized from collections rather than pursuant to appropriation by the Legislature.