(a) "Abandoned lands" means land adversely affected by mineral extraction and left or abandoned in an unreclaimed or inadequately reclaimed condition.
(b) "Consideration" means something of value promised, given or performed in exchange for something which has the effect of making a legally enforceable contract. For the purpose of this article, the term does not include a promise to a landowner to repair damage caused by a reclamation project or water pollution abatement project when the promise is made in exchange for access to the land.
(c) "Department" means the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection.
(d) "Eligible land" means land adversely affected by mineral extraction and left or abandoned in an unreclaimed or inadequately reclaimed condition or causing water pollution and for which no person has a continuing reclamation or water pollution abatement obligation.
(e) "Eligible landowner" means a landowner that provides access to or use of the project work area at no cost for a reclamation or water pollution abatement project who is not or will not become responsible under state or federal law to reclaim the land or address the water pollution existing or emanating from the land.
(f) "Eligible project sponsor" means a person that provides equipment, materials or services at no cost or at cost for a reclamation or water pollution abatement project who is not or will not become responsible under state or federal law to reclaim the land or address the water pollution existing or emanating from the land.
(g) "Landowner" means a person who holds either legal or equitable interest in real property.
(h) "Mineral" means any aggregate or mass of mineral matter, whether or not coherent, which is extracted by mining. This includes, but is not limited to, limestone, dolomite, sand, gravel, slate, argillite, diabase, gneiss, micaceous sandstone known as bluestone, rock, stone, earth, fill, slag, iron ore, zinc ore, vermiculite, clay and anthracite and bituminous coal.
(i) "Permitted activity site" means a site permitted by the Department of Environmental Protection under the provisions of article two, three or four of this chapter.
(j) "Person" means a natural person, partnership, association, association members, corporation, an agency, instrumentality or entity of federal or state government or other legal entity recognized by law as the subject of rights and liabilities.
(k) "Project work area" means that land necessary for a person to complete a reclamation project or a water pollution abatement project.
(l) "Reclamation project" means the restoration of eligible land to productive use by regrading and revegetating the land to stable contours that blend in and complement the drainage pattern of the surrounding terrain with no highwalls, spoil piles or depressions to accumulate water, or to decrease or eliminate discharge of water pollution.
(m) "Water pollution" means the man-made or man-induced alteration of the chemical, physical, biological and radiological integrity of water located in the state.
(n) "Water pollution abatement facilities" means the methods for treatment or abatement of water pollution located on eligible lands. These methods include, but are not limited to, a structure, system, practice, technique or method constructed, installed or followed to reduce, treat or abate water pollution.
(o) "Water pollution abatement project" means a plan for treatment or abatement of water pollution located on eligible lands.