(1) Any requirement of federal or state environmental law, rule or regulation would be violated by the proposed permit.
(2) The proposed quarry operation will be located in an area in the state which the director finds ineligible for a permit pursuant to section eight.
(3) The applicant or any person required to be listed on the application pursuant to section five of this article has not corrected all violations of any prior permit issued pursuant to this article which resulted in:
(A) Revocation of a permit;
(B) Cessation of the operation by order of the director;
(C) Forfeiture of all or part of the permit bond or other surety; or
(D) A court order issued against the applicant related to mining or quarrying;
(E) The applicant or any person required to be listed on the application pursuant to section five of this article has not paid all fines or fees assessed by the agency or by court judgment imposed pursuant to the provisions of this article.
(b) An applicant whose application for a permit, modification or transfer was denied may petition the director for review of the denial decision. The director, in his or her discretion, may approve an application which was previously denied because of a past permit revocation or forfeiture if the person whose permit was revoked or bond forfeited pays into the abandoned quarry reclamation fund an amount determined by the director as adequate to reclaim the area disturbed under the prior permit or completes reclamation of site upon which the permit or bond was revoked or forfeited, and demonstrates to the director's satisfaction that he or she will comply with this article and rules promulgated thereunder.
(c) The director may approve a portion of a permit area upon a finding that approval of the entire permit area would otherwise be denied pursuant to the provisions of this section.