(b) In promulgating the initial rules pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the commission shall follow the procedures set forth in article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code that are prescribed for an agency proposing a legislative rule, to the point where an agency would approve a rule for submission to the Legislature. At that point, the commission shall proceed to final adoption of the initial rules and file a notice of the final adoption in the state register and with the legislative rule-making review committee. Final adoption of the initial rules may be approved only upon a majority vote of all six members of the commission. All six members must be present when a vote is taken. Upon final adoption by the commission, the initial rules are thereby promulgated and have the effect of law without further action by the commission or the Legislature. The initial rules shall be published in the code of state rules and continue in effect until modified or superseded in accordance with the provisions of this article.