(b) The board of directors of the regional solid waste authority are appointed as follows: One by the director of the division of environmental protection, two by the county commission of each county participating therein, one by the board of supervisors for each soil conservation district in which a county of the region is situated, one by the chairman of the public service commission and two municipal representatives from each county having one or more participating municipality to be selected by the mayors of the participating municipality from each such county. The members of the board are appointed for terms of four years for which the initial terms start on the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred eighty-eight: Provided, That the members appointed by the county commission shall be appointed to initial terms of two and four years, respectively, and to terms of four years after the expiration of each such initial term: Provided, however, That on and after the first day of July, two thousand, the member appointed by the director of the division of environmental protection shall be appointed to an initial term of one year and for a term of four years for each appointment thereafter: Provided further, That the member appointed by the chairman of the public service commission shall be appointed to an initial term of three years and for a term of four years for each appointment thereafter: And provided further, That of the two members appointed by the mayors from each county, one shall be appointed to an initial term of one year and for a term of four years for each appointment thereafter, and one shall be appointed to an initial term of three years and for a term of four years for each appointment thereafter. The members of the board shall receive no compensation for their service thereon but shall be reimbursed their actual expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties. Vacancies in the office of member of the board of directors shall be filled for the balance of the remaining term by the appropriate appointing authority within sixty days after such vacancy occurs. No member who has any financial interest in the collection, transportation, processing, recycling or the disposal of refuse, garbage, solid waste or hazardous waste shall vote or act on any matter which directly affects the member's personal interests.