(a) Develop greater knowledge and interest in the causes and prevention of industrial accidents, occupational diseases and related subjects through:
(1) Research, conferences, lectures and the use of public communications media;
(2) The collection and dissemination of accident and disease statistics; and
(3) The publication and distribution of training and accident prevention materials, including audio and visual aids;
(b) Provide consultative services for employers on safety and health matters and prescribe procedures which will permit any employer to request a special inspection or investigation, focused on specific problems or hazards in the place of employment of the employer or to request assistance in developing a plan to correct such problems or hazards, which will not directly result in a citation and civil penalty; and
(c) Place emphasis, in the research, education and consultation program, on development of a model for providing services to groups of small employers in particular industries and their employees and for all employers whose experience modification factor for rate-setting purposes is in excess of the criteria established by the board of managers.