(b) "Commission" means the West Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission as provided by section one, article one of this chapter.
(c) "Insurance Commissioner" means the Insurance Commissioner of West Virginia as provided in section one, article two, chapter thirty-three of this code.
(d) "Company" or "successor to the commission" means the employers' mutual insurance company created pursuant to the terms of this article.
(e) "Policy default" means a policyholder that has failed to comply with the terms of its workers' compensation insurance policy and is consequently without workers' compensation insurance coverage.
(f) "Workers' compensation insurance" means insurance which provides all compensation and benefits required by this chapter.
(g) "Insurer" includes:
(1) A self-insured employer; and
(2) A private carrier.
(h) "Industrial Council" means the advisory group established in section five of this article.
(i) "Mutualization Transition Fund" is a fund over which the State Treasurer is custodian. Moneys transferred or otherwise payable to the Mutualization Transition Fund shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the Mutualization Transition Fund. Disbursements shall be made from the Mutualization Transition Fund upon requisitions signed by the executive director, and, upon termination of the commission, the Insurance Commissioner, and shall be reasonably related to the legal, operational, consultative and human resource-related expenses associated with the establishment of the company and the transferring of personnel from the commission to the company.
(j) "New Fund" means a fund owned and operated by the commission and, upon termination of the commission, the successor organization of the West Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission and consists of those funds transferred to it from the Workers' Compensation Fund and any other applicable funds. New Fund includes all moneys due and payable to the Workers' Compensation Fund for the quarters ending the thirtieth day of September, two thousand five, and the thirty-first day of December, two thousand five, which have not been collected by the Workers' Compensation Fund as of the thirty-first day of December, two thousand five.
(k) "New Fund liabilities" means all claims payment obligations (indemnity and medical expenses) for all claims, actual and incurred but not reported, for any claim with a date of injury or last exposure on or after the first day of July, two thousand five: Provided, That New Fund liabilities begin with claims payments becoming due and owing on said claims on or after the first day of January, two thousand six.
(l) "Old Fund" means a fund held by the State Treasurer's office consisting of those funds transferred to it from the Workers' Compensation Fund or other sources and those funds due and owing the Workers' Compensation Fund as of the thirtieth day of June, two thousand five, that are thereafter collected. The Old Fund and assets in the fund remain property of the state and do not novate or otherwise transfer to the company.
(m) "Old Fund liabilities" mean all claims payment obligations (indemnity and medical expenses), related liabilities and appropriate administrative expenses necessary for the administration of all claims, actual and incurred but not reported, for any claim with a date of injury or last exposure on or before the thirtieth day of June, two thousand five: Provided, That Old Fund liabilities include all claims payments for any claim, regardless of date of injury or last exposure, through the thirty-first day of December, two thousand five: Provided, however, That Old Fund liabilities include all claims with dates of injuries or last exposure prior to the first day of July, two thousand four, for bankrupt self-insured employers that had defaulted on their claims obligations which have been recognized by the commission in its actuarially determined liability number as of the thirtieth day of June, two thousand five.
(n) "Private carrier" means any insurer or the legal representative of an insurer authorized by the Insurance Commissioner to provide workers' compensation insurance pursuant to this chapter. The term does not include a self-insured employer or private employers but does include any successor to the commission.
(o) "Uninsured Employer Fund" means a fund held by the State Treasurer's office consisting of those funds transferred to it from the Workers' Compensation Fund and any other source. Disbursements from the Uninsured Employer Fund shall be upon requisitions signed by the Insurance Commissioner, and as otherwise set forth in an exempt legislative rule promulgated by the Workers' Compensation Board of Managers.
(p) "Self-Insured Employer Guaranty Risk Pool" is a fund held by the State Treasurer's office consisting of those funds transferred to it from the guaranty pool created pursuant to 85 CSR 19 (2007) and any future funds collected through continued administration of that exempt legislative rule as administered by the Insurance Commissioner. Disbursements shall be made from the Self-Insured Employer Guaranty Risk Pool upon requisitions signed by the Insurance Commissioner. The obligations of the fund are as provided in 85 CSR 19 (2007).
(q) "Self-Insured Employer Security Risk Pool" is a fund held by the State Treasurer consisting of those funds paid into it through the Insurance Commissioner's administration of 85 CSR 19 (2007). Disbursement from the fund shall be made from the Self-Insured Employer Security Risk Pool upon requisitions signed by the Insurance Commissioner. The obligations of the fund are as provided in 85 CSR 19: Provided, That the liabilities are limited to those self-insured employers who default on their claims obligations after the termination of the commission.
(r) "Private Carrier Guaranty Fund" is a fund held by the State Treasurer's office consisting of funds deposited pursuant to this article. Disbursements shall be made from the Private Carrier Guaranty Fund upon requisitions signed by the Insurance Commissioner. The obligations of the fund are as provided in this article. The Private Carrier Guaranty Fund terminates on the thirtieth day of June, two thousand eight, and any moneys remaining in the fund on the date of its termination shall be transferred to the Old Fund.
(s) "Assigned Risk Fund" is a fund held by the State Treasurer's office consisting of funds deposited pursuant to this article. Disbursements shall be made from the Assigned Risk Fund upon requisitions signed by the Insurance Commissioner. The obligations of the fund are as provided in this article. The Assigned Risk Fund terminates on the thirtieth day of June, two thousand eight, and any moneys remaining in the fund on the date of its termination shall be transferred to the Old Fund.
(t) "Comprehensive financial plan" means the plan compiled by the director for acceptance by the Insurance Commissioner identifying and forecasting cash flows, funding sources, debt terms and structures and scheduled amortization and permanent resolution of all Old Fund liabilities. The comprehensive financial plan shall provide for the retirement of the revenue bonds authorized by article two-d of this chapter and all realized and potential claims against the Old Fund shall be fully reserved. The comprehensive financial plan may include any other information the Insurance Commissioner may require as a basis for managing the post-transition fiscal soundness of the Old Fund.
(u) "Voluntary market" means the workers' compensation insurance market in which insurers voluntarily offer coverage to applicants who meet the insurers' underwriting standards or guidelines.