(1) After the application or proposal and required fee are received by the franchising authority within a time frame established by rule promulgated by the commission, the franchising authority shall notify an applicant in writing of the acceptance or nonacceptance for filing of an application or proposal for issuance of a cable franchise required by this chapter.
(2) After the issuance of a notice of acceptance for filing and within a time frame established by rule promulgated by the commission, the franchising authority shall hold a public hearing on the application or proposal to afford interested persons the opportunity to submit data, views or arguments, orally or in writing. If the franchising authority is the commission, notice thereof shall be given to the city council and mayor of any municipalities affected, the county commission of any counties affected and to any telephone or other utility and cable company in the county or counties in which the proposed service area is located, and a representative of the governing body of a municipality or county commission may appear at the public hearing to represent the interests of the public which will be served by the issuance of a cable franchise. The franchising authority shall also cause notice of the application and hearing to be published at least once in each of two successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or counties in which the proposed service area is located. The last published notice shall appear at least fifteen days prior to the date of the hearing.
(3) After holding a public hearing, the franchising authority shall approve the application or proposal, in whole or in part, with or without conditions or modifications, or shall deny the application or proposal, with reasons for denial sent in writing to the applicant. Upon denial of the application or proposal, the applicant may appeal such denial to the circuit court of the county in which the franchise is to be located, which appeal shall be filed and considered in accordance with the provisions of section four, article five, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code.
(4) The provisions of this article supersede and replace all other state requirements regarding the issuance, notification and terms and conditions of a cable franchise.