(a) To keep the records in the department.
(b) To receive and disburse funds for the department as the agent of the commissioner of the department.
(c) To assemble and analyze departmental budget estimates, review requests for transfer of funds and maintain departmental appropriation and fiscal records.
(d) To make rules and regulations governing the administration and business management of the state hospitals, formulate standard fiscal procedures, and make recommendations for improvement; to make regulations concerning any superintendent's trustee funds heretofore established by authority of section three-a, article one, chapter twenty-five of the code of West Virginia, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as amended.
(e) To have the responsibility for the maintenance of the land, buildings and equipment of state hospitals.
(f) To review requisitions for supplies and equipment, and cooperate with the division of purchases in development and drafting of specifications.
(g) To handle the personnel records of the department and to process payrolls.
(h) To enter into contracts for the department consistent with his assigned duties.
(i) To develop job classifications and standards for employees of the department.
(j) To perform any other duties assigned to the division by the commissioner.