On and after the effective date of this section the department of health is authorized to enter into a lease agreement with Carnegie Hall, Inc. a nonprofit, nonstock corporation, chartered as a corporation under the laws of this state on the first day of February, one thousand nine hundred eighty-three. Under the terms of such agreement, the department of health may lease to Carnegie Hall, Inc., all or a portion of that certain structure commonly known as Carnegie Hall on the grounds of the Greenbrier school for retarded children, located in Lewisburg. Such agreement shall require that Carnegie Hall, Inc., restore, maintain and perpetuate the use of Carnegie Hall for the use, benefit, education, entertainment and enjoyment of the citizens of the Greenbrier Valley, the residents of the Greenbrier school for retarded children and this state. The lease of the premises may be for a nominal fee and for such terms as the department deems appropriate and for so long as Carnegie Hall Inc., uses the premises for the purposes set forth in its original charter described above, and as a nonprofit, nonstock corporation.