No hospital, center or institution, or part thereof, to provide inpatient, outpatient or other service designed to contribute to the care and treatment of the mentally ill or mentally retarded, or prevention of such disorders, shall be established, maintained or operated by any political subdivision or by any person, persons, association or corporation unless a license therefor shall be first obtained from the director of health. The application for such license shall be accompanied by a plan of the premises to be occupied, and such other data and facts as the director may require. He may make such terms and regulations in regard to the conduct of such hospital, center or institution, or part thereof, as he may think proper and necessary. He, or any person authorized by him, shall have authority to investigate and inspect such hospital, center or institution, or part thereof; and the director of health may revoke the license of any such hospital, center or institution, or part thereof, for good cause after reasonable notice to the superintendent or other person in charge thereof.