Appointment of compact administrator.(a) Upon and after the effective date of the interstate compact for adult offender supervision, the governor is hereby authorized and empowered to designate an officer who shall be the compact administrator and who, acting jointly with like offices of the other party states, shall be responsible for the administration and management of this state's supervision and transfer of adult offenders subject to the terms of this compact, the rules adopted by the interstate commission and the policies adopted by the state council under this compact. Said compact administrator shall serve subject to the will and pleasure of the governor, and must meet the minimum qualifications for the position of compact administrator, as established by the state council. The compact administrator is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to cooperate with all departments, agencies and officers of and in the government of this state and its subdivisions in facilitating the proper administration of the compact or of any supplementary agreement or agreements entered into by this state hereunder.
(b) Until such time as the state council has met and established minimum qualifications for the position of compact administrator, the individual or administrator who has been designated by the governor to act as the compact administrator for the supervision of out-of-state parolees and probationers, pursuant to section one, article six of this chapter, may perform the duties and responsibilities of compact administrator under this article.
(c) Until such time as the state council has met and designated a commissioner to vote on behalf of the state of West Virginia at the interstate commission, the individual or administrator who has been designated to act as the compact administrator for the supervision of out-of-state parolees and probationers, pursuant to section one, article six of this chapter, shall function as the acting commissioner for the state of West Virginia before the interstate commission formed under the new compact.