(b) The division may, through the commissioner or its commissions, apply for grants from the federal government, private foundations and any other source for the purposes of this article. (c) All funds received from any source shall be paid into the Treasury of the state and disbursed upon warrant by the State Auditor following requisition by the division. The requisitions shall be signed by the commissioner or by another person as the commissioner may authorize by written document deposited with the auditor or, in the event of emergency, by the Governor or the Governor's designee.
(d) No funds or gifts received from any source shall be expended or used for any purpose other than that intended as evidenced by a positive and affirmative declaration or by a negative restriction or limitation.
(e) The division may assist in the promotion and operation of an annual state fair and other regional or local fairs and festivals entitled to aid when funds are available and to expend those funds for the support and development of fairs and festivals.
(f) All federal or state funds received to provide grants-in-aid or awards to further the purposes of this article shall be approved and distributed by the appropriate commission established by this article.