§29-12-1. Intent and objects.
Recognition is given to the fact that the state of West Virginia owns extensive properties of varied types and descriptions representing the investment of vast sums of money; that the state and its officials, agents and employees engage in many governmental activities and services and incur and undertake numerous governmental responsibilities and obligations; that such properties are subject to losses, damage, destruction, risks and hazards and such activities and responsibilities are subject to liabilities which can and should be covered by a sound and adequate insurance program; and that good business and insurance practices and principles necessitate the centralization of responsibility for the purchase, control and supervision of insurance coverage on all state properties, activities and responsibilities and the cooperation and coordination of all state officials, departments and employees in the development and success of such centralized state insurance program. Wherefore, in order to accomplish these desired ends and objectives, the provisions of this article are hereby enacted into law in response to manifest needs and requirements therefor and in the interest of the establishment and development of an adequate, economical and sound state insurance and bonding service on all state property, activities and responsibilities.