§29-12-6. Reports to be furnished board by state officers and departments; state records.
(a) It shall be the duty of every officer, department and employee of the state having custody or control of any state property, activities or responsibilities, as defined in section two of this article, to make a written report thereof to the board, on forms prepared and prescribed by it, briefly describing said property, activities or responsibilities, showing the nature, location and estimated fair market value of potential liability thereof and stating whether such property, activities or responsibilities are covered by insurance and, if insured, the nature, amount and contract expiration date of such insurance and the name and address of the insuring company or companies. Such reports shall be made annually on or before the first day of May and separate reports shall be made on newly acquired state property from time to time within thirty days next following the acquisition thereof. When any such insured state property is sold, destroyed or otherwise disposed of, the officer, department or employee of the state having had the custody or control thereof shall make a written report of such sale, destruction or other disposition of such property to the board within thirty days next following the date of sale, destruction or other disposition thereof.
(b) The board shall assemble and organize all pertinent information and data received and obtained by it on new and continuing state property, activities and responsibilities within the insurance coverage herein contemplated and shall compile and currently maintain a summary record thereon, in such form and detail as may be found practicable, as basis for insurance services on all such state property, activities and responsibilities.