§29-1F-3. Contributions by political subdivisions.
The county court of Marshall county, West Virginia, and the board of commissioners of the county of Ohio, West Virginia, and any municipality therein, which may reasonably be expected to receive a benefit from the construction, improvement, operation or maintenance of any works of improvement, are hereby authorized and empowered to contribute moneys to the district by appropriation from their respective general funds not otherwise appropriated, and may set up in their respective budgets funds to be spent for such purposes, and such counties or municipalities may levy and collect taxes for such purposes, in the manner provided by law:
Provided, That in case sufficient funds cannot be raised by ordinary levies, additional funds may be raised by the counties of Marshall and Ohio, and any such municipality, as provided by section sixteen, article eight, chapter eleven of the code of West Virginia, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one, as amended.
Such county court, board of commissioners, and municipal corporations are hereby authorized and empowered to transfer and convey to the district property of any kind heretofore acquired by said county court, board of commissioners, and municipalities, if acceptable to the district as adaptable for use for the purposes of the district, such transfers or conveyances to be without consideration or for such price and upon such terms and conditions as such county court, board of commissioners or municipalities shall determine to be proper.