§29-1F-4. Ohio county board of commissioners authorized to transfer certain special levy receipts to the Wheeling Creek watershed protection and flood prevention commission.
The board of commissioners of the county of Ohio is hereby authorized and empowered to transfer to the Wheeling Creek watershed protection and flood prevention commission established by this article all tax revenue and interest thereon received pursuant to and as the result of the special levy election held in Ohio county on May 12, 1964, to raise funds for the Wheeling Creek watershed project, which election was authorized and called by the board of commissioners of the county of Ohio by order entered on March 31, 1964:
Provided, That before making any such transfer the board of commissioners of the county of Ohio shall obtain from the Wheeling Creek watershed protection and flood prevention commission written assurances that all such revenue and interest thereon to be so transferred shall be expended solely for the purposes for which such special levies were authorized:
Provided further, That upon the receipt of such written assurances the board of commissioners of the county of Ohio shall not be liable for any misapplication by the Wheeling Creek watershed protection and flood prevention commission of any such revenues and interest thereon so transferred.