(1) The ticket is fully legible and printed on paper approved by the commission and the ticket contains all information required by this article;
(2) The ticket is not mutilated, altered, unreadable or tampered with in any manner;
(3) The ticket is not counterfeit, in whole or in part; and
(4) The ticket is presented by a person authorized to play video lottery pursuant to this article.
(b) Each licensed racetrack shall designate validation managers and employees authorized to redeem tickets and to sell and redeem tokens during the business hours of operation. Credits shall be immediately paid in cash, by check, by annuitized payments over time or in the form of a noncash prize, when a player presents a valid ticket for payment.
(c) Licensed racetracks shall not redeem tickets for credits awarded on video lottery terminals which are not located on its premises. A ticket must be presented for payment no later than ten days after the date the ticket is printed. The commission is not liable for the payment of any video lottery ticket credits.
(d) All tickets redeemed by a licensed racetrack shall be defaced in a manner which prevents any subsequent presentment and payment.
(e) The commission is not responsible for any video lottery terminal malfunction which causes a credit to be wrongfully awarded or denied to players. The licensed racetrack is solely responsible for any wrongful award or denial of credits.