(1) Ensures that timely background investigations are conducted on applicants for limited video lottery licenses, current licensees, and other persons required to be investigated by the lottery commission in accordance with the provisions of this article or by legislative rules promulgated pursuant to this article;
(2) Provides for review and oversight of applicants, current licensees, and other persons on an ongoing basis;
(3) Provides that upon receipt of a background check report lacking disposition data, further research will be conducted in whatever state and local recordkeeping systems are available in order to obtain complete data;
(4) Provides for prompt notification to the lottery commission of the results of background investigations before the issuance or renewal of any license; and
(5) Clearly defines a standard whereby a person's prior activities, criminal record, if any, or reputation, habits and associations are such as to pose a threat to the public interest or to the effective regulation of limited video lottery, or create or enhance the dangers of unsuitable, unfair, or illegal practices and methods and activities in the conduct of gaming, thereby rendering that person ineligible for licensing.