(1) Chi square test. -- Each symbol or number shall satisfy the ninety-nine percent confidence limit using the standard chi-square statistical analysis of the difference between the expected result and the observed result;
(2) Runs test. -- Each symbol or number may not produce a significant statistic with regard to producing patterns of occurrences. Each symbol or number is random if it meets the ninety-nine percent confidence level with regard to the "runs test" for the existence of recurring patterns within a set of data;
(3) Correlation test. -- Each pair of symbols or numbers is random if it meets the ninety-nine percent confidence level using standard correlation analysis to determine whether each symbol or number is independently chosen without regard to another symbol or number within a single game play; and
(4) Serial correlation test. -- Each symbol or number is random if it meets the ninety-nine percent confidence level using standard serial correlation analysis to determine whether each symbol or number is independently chosen without reference to the same symbol or number in a previous game.