(1) Inspect and examine all premises of the racetrack with West Virginia Lottery table games, gaming devices, the premises where gaming equipment is manufactured, sold, distributed or serviced or any premises in which any records of the activities are prepared or maintained;
(2) Inspect any gaming equipment in, about, upon or around the premises of a racetrack with West Virginia Lottery table games;
(3) Seize summarily and remove from the premises and impound any gaming equipment for the purposes of examination, inspection or testing;
(4) Inspect, examine and audit all books, records, and documents pertaining to a racetrack table games licensee's operation;
(5) Summarily seize, impound or assume physical control of any book, record, ledger, table game, gaming equipment or device, cash box and its contents, counting room or its equipment or West Virginia Lottery table games operations; and
(6) Inspect the person, and the person's personal effects present on the grounds of a licensed racetrack with West Virginia Lottery table games, of any holder of a license issued pursuant to this article, while that person is present on the grounds of a licensed racetrack with West Virginia Lottery table games.