(b) The Capital Reinvestment Fund is hereby created within the Lottery Fund. The surcharge amount attributable to the historic resort hotel shall be retained by the commission and deposited into a separate capital reinvestment account for the historic resort hotel. For each dollar expended by the historic resort hotel for capital improvements at the historic resort hotel, of any amenity associated with the historic resort hotel's destination resort facility operations, or at adjacent facilities owned by the historic resort hotel having a useful life of seven or more years and placed in service after April 1, 2009, the licensed gaming facility shall receive one dollar in recoupment from its Capital Reinvestment Fund account: If a historic resort hotel's unrecouped capital improvements exceed its Capital Reinvestment Fund account at the end of any fiscal year, the excess improvements may be carried forward to seven subsequent fiscal years.
(c) Any moneys remaining in the historic resort hotel's Capital Reinvestment Fund account at the end of any fiscal year shall be deposited in the Historic Resort Hotel Fund.