(1) The county applicant submits a completed application to the authority on the form prepared by the authority pursuant to section three of this article; and
(2) The authority, after having considered the application, recommends the county applicant receive a loan, loan guarantee, grant or other funding assistance for the proposed modification or construction.
(b) The authority shall, within ninety days of receipt of each completed application submitted to it, review the application and either:
(1) Make a written recommendation as to the modification or construction financing, in terms of the kind, amount and source of funding, for which the applicant county submitting the application is eligible; or
(2) If the authority determines that (A) the proposed modification or construction of a courthouse facility is not eligible for funding assistance from the authority, or (B) the proposed modification or construction of a courthouse facility is not otherwise an appropriate or prudent investment of state funds, the authority shall state the reasoning for its findings in a written rejection of the county applicant's application.