(b) Whenever the state fire marshal determines that any building or structure has been constructed, altered or repaired in a manner violating any regulation lawfully promulgated by the state fire commission prior to the commencement of such construction, alteration or repairs; or whenever he may determine that any building or structure constitutes a fire hazard by reason of want of repair, age or dilapidated or abandoned condition, or otherwise, and is so situated as to endanger other buildings and property; or whenever he may find in any building or upon any premises any combustible, flammable or explosive substance or material, or other conditions dangerous to the safety of persons occupying the building or premises and adjacent premises or property, he may make reasonable orders in writing, directed to the owner of such building, structure or premises, for the repair or demolition of such building or structure, or the removal of the combustible, flammable or explosive substance or material, as the case may be, and the remedying of any conditions found to be in violation of a regulation promulgated as aforesaid or to be dangerous to the safety of persons or property.
A true copy of every order of the state fire marshal as provided for in this section shall be filed in the county where the premises are totally or partially located, with the county clerk who shall index and record the order in the general lien book. Upon filing, the order constitutes notice of such proceedings to all persons or parties thereafter having dealings involving said property.
A statement of the expenses and administrative charges shall also be filed with the county clerk, recorded and indexed in the general lien book and upon filing, shall become a lien against the property. Thereafter a court supervised sale of the property to enforce the collection of the expenses and administrative charges may be prosecuted at the request of the state fire marshal, state fire commission or the attorney general.
Every order provided for in this section shall contain a notice that compliance therewith shall be required within a period of thirty days from the date of issuance thereof and also that any person desiring to contest the validity of any such order may enter an appeal from such order to the state fire commission and then to the circuit court in the county where the premises are totally or partially located as provided in section eighteen of this article.